thortful's special collection of cards to celebrate the love of mothers who have lost children this Bereaved Mother's Day

The words on the cards were created by Hannah Pontillo, the words were realised as designs by thortful creators Rachel Storey, Project Pretty, Joanne Hawker & Lisa Greener.

The collection was born out of a social media conversation with Hannah Pontillo a mother who lost her first baby Dexy at birth. Hannah has written the words for the new thortful collection of cards and they have been designed by specially selected creatives already part of the thortful community.

Hannah says: “I contacted thortful last Father’s Day because I couldn’t find a card suitable to give to my husband Phil. Every card I looked at mentioned in one way or another something about growing up, tying shoelaces, playing and looking after your child. It is extremely hard when you have never done any of that with your own son. I messaged thortful during a night where I had just had enough. I wanted us to be included in these celebrations of being parents, but we couldn’t. Parents like us are not celebrated outside our community. It isn’t just me that feels this. I have spoken to a lot of parents who also find these celebrations hard, not because their child isn’t here but because there is nothing for us.

We are unspoken about, and it needs to change. I am a mum. Like all mums, I went through pregnancy. I got an aching back and swollen feet. I gave birth. I have a son - you just can’t see him. I know that it is hard for people because the whole topic of baby loss is still taboo, but 11 babies will be stillborn or die shortly after birth every day. 1 in 4 people will experience baby loss through miscarriage, stillbirth, neonatal death or child death. It happens more than people think, and it is about time we celebrated these mums and dads just like we do with parents that have living children. It is time we broke the silence. Being asked to help design a range of cards for bereaved mothers like myself has been an honour. Knowing that they will help mums feel included, recognised and special means a lot to me. I’m also so proud of Dexy, if it wasn’t for him, I would never have been given the chance to make a difference. I am really honoured.”

For each card sold from this collection, 100% of the profits will be donated to Kicks Count charity, created after the founder, Sophia Wyatt, gave birth to her precious daughter Chloe, stillborn. Chloe died just 3 days before her due date.

In the days following Chloe's death, Sophia realised that many other families could be spared the same tragedy if only they had information that she hadn't - when babies are in distress in the womb, many of them move less before they pass away. By reporting a change in movements immediately, babies in distress could be saved. Had Sophia known that at the time, Chloe may still be here.